Letters of Support and Pledges Needed

In order to make this revitalization dream a reality, we need your support! The Town of Nederland, PROSAB, NedRINK, and Mountain Tennis Pickleball Association (MTPA) are looking for letters of support and pledges.


In order to make this grant more enticing to the GOCO funders, we need to contribute a significant financial match. Currently, the Town of Nederland, RINK and MTPA aim to contribute $150,000+. Your financial assistance would help us too! If you're able to make a cash contribution, we ask that you provide in writing the amount you're able to contribute. We are not seeking cash donations at this time. Just pledges that would be converted to cash donations if awarded the grant.

Letters of Support

If you cannot pledge funds, we are in just as much need for letters of support and would love to hear from you on why you support the Town receiving GOCO funds to revitalize the Nederland Ice Rink and Tennis Park!

Submit your pledge and/or statement of support online! CLICK HERE!

You can also send your pledge and/or letters of support to parkadvisors@nederlandco.org.

Thank you in advance for your support!

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