Guercio Field Revitalization Project
Project has concluded.
The Nederland Parks, Recreation, & Open Space Advisory Board was awarded funding through Great Outdoor Colorado's (GOCO) Resilient Communities Program. GOCO grants are focused on the needs that have emerged in response to the pandemic within the context of their five program values:
- Resource conservation
- Outdoor stewardship
- Community vitality
- Equitable access
- Youth connections
Using this grant, the Town of Nederland is working to restore and revitalize the trail and fields around Guercio and Barker reservoir.
Project Overview
Through the funding awarded by the GOCO Program, the Town of Nederland has envisioned revitalizing not only Guercio Field, but the surrounding area into a much-needed recreational and natural space. Despite the large amount of wilderness and mountain trails that surround Nederland, there is very few opportunities for recreation within Town. With this project, Nederland looks to create another recreational outdoor space for the community.
New trails will be built around the field, and old trails will be expanded. Benches, picnic tables, and interactive musical equipment will be placed around the trails, and natural vegetation will be planted. Interpretative signage will be placed at trailheads to give residents and visitors alike a better understanding of Guercio Field's History and the local ecology.
Project has concluded.