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The Town of Nederland has been awarded grant funding through numerous grants to repair, update, and pave streets and sidewalks around Town.
This project is broken down into different areas, based on the source of the funding. The majority of work is expected to go through 2024.
Project Overview
Transportation Improvement Project (TIP)
The Town received funding from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) to promote alternative transportation and pedestrian travel. The Transportation Improvement Project (TIP) consists of creating a sidewalk on West First Street connecting RTD Park-n-Ride with the Visitor's Center and Jefferson Street adjacent to the Kathmandu Plaza. The project includes a high-speed electric vehicle charging station, bike racks, a rain garden/planter, and wayfinding signage. The staff is collaborating with the Nederland Downtown Development Authority (NDDA) to repave the Visitor's Center Parking Lot and North Jefferson Street as part of this project.
Safer Main Streets (SMS)
The Town also received funding from DRCOG to promote pedestrian safety and alternative transportation. The Safer Main Streets (SMS) Project improves the existing crusher fine sidewalks on Highway 72, adds improved pedestrian crossing at First Street and Highway 119 and the library pedestrian crossing at Highway 72, and installs traffic calming components to reduce speeds.
Multimodal Transportation Project (MTP)
The Town was awarded funding from CDOT for a Multimodal Transportation Plan. Transportation plans help communities make decisions about what type of programs, policies, and projects to advance and fund in the future. They help local governments create an equitable transportation system that aligns with community goals and objectives in the medium to long-term. While transportation plans consider all modes of transportation, they have a particular focus on surface transportation including walking, bicycling, transit, and motor vehicle travel.
The Town of Nederland has been awarded grant funding through numerous grants to repair, update, and pave streets and sidewalks around Town.
This project is broken down into different areas, based on the source of the funding. The majority of work is expected to go through 2024.
Project Overview
Transportation Improvement Project (TIP)
The Town received funding from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) to promote alternative transportation and pedestrian travel. The Transportation Improvement Project (TIP) consists of creating a sidewalk on West First Street connecting RTD Park-n-Ride with the Visitor's Center and Jefferson Street adjacent to the Kathmandu Plaza. The project includes a high-speed electric vehicle charging station, bike racks, a rain garden/planter, and wayfinding signage. The staff is collaborating with the Nederland Downtown Development Authority (NDDA) to repave the Visitor's Center Parking Lot and North Jefferson Street as part of this project.
Safer Main Streets (SMS)
The Town also received funding from DRCOG to promote pedestrian safety and alternative transportation. The Safer Main Streets (SMS) Project improves the existing crusher fine sidewalks on Highway 72, adds improved pedestrian crossing at First Street and Highway 119 and the library pedestrian crossing at Highway 72, and installs traffic calming components to reduce speeds.
Multimodal Transportation Project (MTP)
The Town was awarded funding from CDOT for a Multimodal Transportation Plan. Transportation plans help communities make decisions about what type of programs, policies, and projects to advance and fund in the future. They help local governments create an equitable transportation system that aligns with community goals and objectives in the medium to long-term. While transportation plans consider all modes of transportation, they have a particular focus on surface transportation including walking, bicycling, transit, and motor vehicle travel.
Share What brand/model of “level 3” (DCFC to be a bit more precise) are you all planning on installing? on FacebookShare What brand/model of “level 3” (DCFC to be a bit more precise) are you all planning on installing? on TwitterShare What brand/model of “level 3” (DCFC to be a bit more precise) are you all planning on installing? on LinkedinEmail What brand/model of “level 3” (DCFC to be a bit more precise) are you all planning on installing? link
What brand/model of “level 3” (DCFC to be a bit more precise) are you all planning on installing?
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
(MTP) Request for Proposals
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
(SMS) Design Under Review by CDOT
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
(MTP) Proposal Contract with Fehrs and Peers
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
(TIP) Xcel Pole Work
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
June - Fall 2023
Summer Improvement Plan Phase 1 - Drainage Ditches
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
This is all about water, folks. We're starting by digging some proper drainage ditches. We want the rain and snowmelt to flow where it's supposed to go, and not wash out our roads. We'll carefully create these ditches to work with our town's unique landscape, keeping in mind the utilities near the surface in some areas.
Summer Improvement Plan Phase 2 - Grading Gravel Roads
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
Next up, we're going to be grading our gravel roads. This is a fancy way of saying we'll shape and smooth them so they drain properly and don't get messed up as easily. We're doing it the right way this time - each road will have a proper 'crown' to ensure that water drains off the surface.
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
Once we've got our roads shaped correctly, we're going to strengthen them by adding aggregate. This is basically a mix of sand, gravel, and stone that's going to make our roads more stable and durable. It's also going to make future maintenance a whole lot easier and efficient.
(MTP) Engage Public & Stakeholders
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
July 2023
(MTP) Develop Guiding Principles
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
July - August 2023
(MTP) Current System Evaluation
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
Sept - Dec 2023
(TIP) Request for Project Bids
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
Late 2023/Early 2024
(MTP) Draft & Finalize Transportation Plan
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project has finished this stage
Feb - April 2024
(SMS) Request for Project Bids
Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project is currently at this stage
Late 2024
(MTP) Present Plan to the Board of Trustees for Adoption
this is an upcoming stage for Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project
Dec. 2024
(TIP) West First Street Sidewalk Work
this is an upcoming stage for Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project
Spring 2025
(SMS) Project Start
this is an upcoming stage for Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project
this is an upcoming stage for Streets & Sidewalks Improvement Project
Lastly, we're going to check out which driveways in town need culverts. That's basically a drain or pipe that lets water pass beneath your driveway. This phase depends on getting everything else right first, but it may be the most important aspect.
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